Apply for Proposal Preparation Mentoring

for the DHS SBIR Program

Applications for Proposal Preparation Mentoring are now closed

Applications for Proposal Preparation Mentoring are now closed.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program typically releases one solicitation with new topics per year. Small advanced technology firms, new to the DHS SBIR program and to proposal preparation are invited to apply to the DHS Phase 0 program.

Before applying, you must review the topics and consider your ability to meet these specific government technology needs.

To complete your application, please submit a Resume/CV. This documentation MUST be received before your application to the DHS Phase 0 program can be processed. Please do not submit any documents containing proprietary information.

You may also upload any supporting documentation such as a technology description, patent, white paper, company capabilities statement, or other documentation that supports you and your team's technical qualifications to participate in the DHS SBIR program. Please do not submit any documents containing proprietary information.