Proposal Preparation


Free to eligible applicants

Phase 0

Proposal Preparation Mentoring

Applications for Proposal Preparation Mentoring are now closed.

Many first-time applicants have not had experience preparing proposals in response to federal solicitations. With that in mind, as part of the Phase 0 program for Homeland Security, additional support is available for those new to proposal writing. You will still need to write your own proposal and do the hard work to ensure that what you propose is responsive, but the program can connect you with service providers in your area who can provide personalized assistance. 

If this service is of interest, please complete the registration form for Proposal Preparation Mentoring.

Who can apply?

All small advanced technology firms that have never received a DHS SBIR award and are intending to submit a proposal in response to the DHS 25.1 SBIR solicitation


for applying to the program

Once your application is submitted, the review process will begin & you will receive a response within a few days.

Applications for Proposal Preparation Mentoring are now closed.

Please note the DHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is competitive and awards are made strictly on merit. This mentoring service is designed to help those who have the technical skills needed to respond to the topics, but have little or no experience with proposal preparation.

New registrants for Proposal Preparation Mentoring are only accepted through Monday, January 9th